Author Archives: EarthNow Team

July 2015 Climate Digest

Overview Each month, we will provide information regarding the previous month’s climate. July 2015 was the warmest July on record, with the combined average global land and ocean temperature at 1.46° Fahrenheit, or 0.81°Celsius, above the 20th century average. Highlights … Continue reading

Category: Climate Digest

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The State of our Lakes

Overview Seen from space, Earth is a beautiful blue sphere. Take away the clouds and you’ll discover that 71% of the surface is covered by water. Looking a little closer you’ll see that just 3% is freshwater from lakes, glaciers, … Continue reading

Category: Climate, Earth Systems


June 2015 Climate Digest

Overview Each month, we will provide information regarding the previous month’s climate. June 2015 was the warmest June since records began, with the combined average global land and ocean temperature at 1.58° Fahrenheit, or 0.88°Celsius, above the 20th century average. … Continue reading

Category: Climate Digest