March 2013 Climate Digest

March 2013 Climate Digest

March 2013 Climate Digest • iPad Video

SOS Playlists

SOS Playlist
SOS AutoRun/Audio Playlist


Each month, we will provide information regarding the previous month’s climate. Overall, preliminary data analysis suggests that March 2013 was the 10th warmest on record (since 1880), tied with 2006.  Major stories include a chilly United States, warmer than normal Australia, and the continued absence of El Niño or La Niña.

March 2013 Highlights

March 2013 Highlights • iPad Video

Highlights Dataset

Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: March 2013 Highlights
Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: AUDIO March 2013 Highlights
Full Map Image
      • This dataset shows some of the major March weather and climate highlights from the National Climatic Data Center’s (NCDC) monthly global climate analysis, and serves as an overview of what can be discussed in the datasets that follow. Highlights are noted below with more information.
      • United States: Much of the U.S. was colder than normal, experiencing the coolest March since 2002. This is a stark contrast to 2012’s warmer than normal March.
      • Australia: Southeastern Australia experienced a strong heatwave during the first half of March, breaking numerous records.
      • China: China experienced its second warmest March on record.
      • Germany: Germany was colder than normal, experiencing its fifth coldest March on record.
      • United Kingdom: The U.K. was also colder than normal, experiencing its coldest March since 1962, and second coldest on record.
      • Arctic Sea Ice Extent: Fifth smallest on record, at 2.9% below the 1981-2010 average.
      • Antarctic Sea Ice Extent: Second largest on record, at 20.8% above the 1981-2010 average.
March 2013 Temperature Differences

March 2013 Temperature Differences • iPad Video

Global Temperature Anomalies Dataset

Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: March 2013 Temperature Anomaly
Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: AUDIO March 2013 Temperature Anomaly
Full Map Image
  • Using the real-time Monthly Temperature Anomalies dataset is a great way to convey where some of the warmer and cooler than average areas were in March, including those mentioned above in the highlights.
  • The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for March was the 10th warmest on record (since 1880), tied with 2006.
March 2012 vs. March 2013

March 2012 vs. March 2013 • iPad Video

March 2012 – March 2013 Comparison

Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: March 2012/2013, Temperature Comparison
Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: AUDIO March 2012/2013, Temperature Comparison
  • This dataset visualization uses the same data as the monthly global temperature anomalies, but periodically switches back and forth between March 2012 and March 2013, highlighting the stark difference between the two years, especially in the United States.



March 2013 SST Anomalies

March 2013 SST Anomalies • iPad Video

Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Dataset

Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: March 2013 SST Anomaly
Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: AUDIO March 2013 SST Anomaly
Full Map Image
  • The real-time sea surface temperature anomaly dataset is a great way to visualize the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle in the eastern tropical Pacific ocean. For March 2013, these waters were just slightly above average, indicating an ENSO Neutral period.
  • Remember that the blues indicate cooler than average temperatures and reds indicate warmer than average temperatures (white: average).
  • The Climate Prediction Center expects the neutral conditions to prevail through at least the Northern Hemisphere Summer.
March 2013 Snow and Ice

March 2013 Snow and Ice • iPad Video

Snow and Ice Cover Dataset

Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: March 2013 Snow and Ice Cover
Dataset: 20130422 EarthNow: AUDIO March 2013 Snow and Ice Cover
Full Map Image
  • Aside from helping to illustrate seasonal changes, the real-time Snow and Ice Cover dataset is a great way to convey sea ice change through time, including discussing how the current sea ice extent compares to other noteworthy years.
  • The Arctic sea ice extent in March was the fifth smallest on record. The extent was 2.9% below the 1981-2010 average.
  • In Antarctica, the sea ice extent was the second largest on record, at 20.8% above the 1981-2010 average.
  • The North American snow cover extent was the 6th largest on record (since 1967).

U.S. Temperature Outlook

Dataset Name: 20130422 EarthNow: U.S. Temperature Outlook (May-July 2013)
Still Map Image
    • Sea Surface Temperatures in the ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) region suggest continued neutral conditions, according to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
    • For the May – July period, warmer than normal temperatures are expected for much of the eastern and southern portion of the U.S., as well as northern Alaska.. (Red)
    • All other locations have equal chances of being warmer or cooler than normal. (White)
    • Outlook by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
    • In its forecasts, the CPC uses a wide variety of models in conjunction with looking at climate variables (like El Niño).
    • It should be noted that areas in the “warmer than normal” region may still have cooler than normal days. This outlook only suggests that after the three months are over, those areas in the “warmer than normal” region are more likely to have experienced warmer than normal average temperatures.

U.S. Precipitation Outlook

Dataset Name: 20130422 EarthNow: U.S. Precipitation Outlook (May-July 2013)
Still Map Image
  • For the next three months (May – July), drier than normal conditions are expected for a good portion of the western part of the country, including especially the Pacific Northwest. (Brown)
  • All other locations have equal chances of being wetter or drier than normal. (White)
  • Outlook by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
  • In its forecasts, the CPC uses a wide variety of models in conjunction with looking at climate variables (like El Niño).
  • It should be noted that areas be in the “drier than normal” region may still have rainy or snowy days. This outlook only suggests that after the three months are over, those areas in the “drier than normal” region are more likely to have experienced drier than normal averages.

U.S. Drought Outlook

Dataset Name: 20130422 EarthNow: U.S. Drought Outlook (May-July 2013)
Still Map Image
  • This dataset shows the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) U.S. drought outlook for May – July 2013.
  • Much of the western portion of the U.S. is expected to have drought conditions persist or even intensify.
  • As we move eastward, however, the Great Plains are expected to have at least some recovery. This is also true for some parts of the southeast.
Where do I find the datasets?
  • First, check your SOS system to make sure it’s not already in the EarthNow category.
  • If not, you can download the datasets and playlist files from this FTP Site.
  • Then download and use playlist files at the top of the page (or create your own) and make sure they are in /home/sos/sosrc or /home/sosdemo/sosrc.
  • More detailed information here
Helpful Resources for More Information
EarthNow Team
NOAA National Climatic Data Center, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for March 2013, published online April 2013, retrieved on April 19, 2013 from
Category: Climate Digest
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February 2013 Climate Digest

February 2013 Climate Digest Video

Video • iPad Video

SOS Playlists

SOS Playlist
SOS AutoRun/Audio Playlist


Each month, we will provide information regarding the previous month’s climate. Overall, preliminary data analysis suggests that February 2013 was the 9th warmest on record (since 1880), tied with 2003.  Major stories include a Nor’easter, warmer than normal summer for Australia, and above average snow cover for Eurasia and North America.

February 2013 Highlights

Highlights Preview • iPad Video

Highlights Dataset

Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: February 2013 Highlights
Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: AUDIO February 2013 Highlights
Full Map Image
    • This dataset shows some of the major February weather and climate highlights from the National Climatic Data Center’s (NCDC) monthly global climate analysis, and serves as an overview of what can be discussed in the datasets that follow. Highlights are noted below with more information.
    • Northeast United States: A Nor’easter brought heavy snow, strong winds, and coastal flooding to the northeastern part of the U.S. (Feb. 7-10)
    • Australia: Australia experienced its warmest summer (Dec.-Feb.) on record. The average maximum summer temperature was 1.44˚C above the 1961-1990 average.
    • Tropical Cyclone Haruna: With maximum winds of 150 km/hr, Haruna made landfall in southern Madagascar, impacting nearly 10,000 people and killing over 20. The storm brought very heavy rain and resulted in flash floods. (Feb. 28-25)
    • Pakistan: Northern Pakistan experienced heavy rain in just a few days. In fact, some areas received the average February rainfall in just three days.
    • Arctic Sea Ice Extent: Seventh smallest on record, at 4.5% below the 1981-2010 average.
    • Antarctic Sea Ice Extent: Third largest on record, at 25.9% above the 1981-2010 average.
2013 Temperature Anomalies

Temperature Preview • iPad Video

Global Temperature Anomalies Dataset

Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: February 2013 Temperature Anomaly
Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: AUDIO February 2013 Temperature Anomaly
Full Map Image
  • Using the real-time Monthly Temperature Anomalies dataset is a great way to convey where some of the warmer and cooler than average areas were in February, including those mentioned above in the highlights.
  • The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for February was the 9th warmest on record (since 1880), tied with 2003.
February 2013 SST Anomalies

SST Preview • iPad Video

Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Dataset

Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: February 2013 SST Anomaly
Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: AUDIO February 2013 SST Anomaly
Full Map Image
  • The real-time sea surface temperature anomaly dataset is a great way to visualize the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle in the eastern tropical Pacific ocean. For February 2013, these waters were just slightly below average, indicating an ENSO Neutral period.
  • Remember that the blues indicate cooler than average temperatures and reds indicate warmer than average temperatures (white: average).
February 2013 Snow and Ice

Snow and Ice Preview • iPad Video

Snow and Ice Cover Dataset

Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: February 2013 Snow and Ice Cover
Dataset: 20130325 EarthNow: AUDIO February 2013 Snow and Ice Cover
Full Map Image
  • Aside from helping to illustrate seasonal changes, the real-time Snow and Ice Cover dataset is a great way to convey sea ice change through time, including discussing how the current sea ice extent compares to other noteworthy years.
  • The Arctic sea ice extent in February was the seventh smallest on record. The extent was 4.5% below the 1981-2010 average.
  • In Antarctica, the sea ice extent was the third largest on record, at 25.9% above the 1981-2010 average.
  • At 543,000 square kilometers above average, the North American snow cover extent was the 14th largest on record (since 1967).
  • The Eurasian snow cover extent was the 18th largest on record (since 1967), at 776,000 square kilometers above average.
Where do I find the datasets?
  • First, check your SOS system to make sure it’s not already in the EarthNow category.
  • If not, you can download the datasets and playlist files from this FTP Site.
  • Then download and use playlist files at the top of the page (or create your own) and make sure they are in /home/sos/sosrc or /home/sosdemo/sosrc.
  • More detailed information here
Helpful Resources for More Information
EarthNow Team
NOAA National Climatic Data Center, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for February 2013, published online March 2013, retrieved on March 21, 2013 from
Category: Climate Digest
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Effects of El Niño and La Niña on Phytoplankton and Fish

El Nino and Phytoplankton

El Nino and Phytoplankton Preview


For the past 15 years, satellites that measure the color of the ocean have given us a view of sea surface phytoplankton which form the base of the food web and half of all the oxygen we breathe. These satellite data are being used to understand fish distributions and why some fisheries suddenly collapse. Read on for more information about the relationships between climate cycles like El Niño and their effects on phytoplankton and fish distributions.

SOS Catalog link

About the Dataset

Dataset Name: 20130315 EarthNow: Chlorophyll – El Nino
Audio Dataset Name: 20130315 EarthNow: AUDIO Chlorophyll – El Nino
  •  Polar-orbiting satellites are able to detect subtle differences in ocean color, allowing scientists to see where there are higher concentrations of phytoplankton, a proxy for the concentration of chlorophyll in the ocean.
  • In this dataset, the dark blues indicate area with little to no amount of phytoplankton, whereas the yellow-green colors indicate areas with very high concentrations.
  • The animation starts with animating the full dataset (September 1997 through January 2013).
  • Then, examples of how winds impact the phytoplankton concentrations, as well as El Niño and La Niña examples are shown. These examples are followed by the impact on fisheries and other aquatic wildlife. Finally, two more full loops of the dataset are shown, the first highlighting El Niño and La Niña events.

The Impact

Phytoplankton abundance is controlled by the availability of sunlight and nutrients. Winds over the ocean drive currents away from the coast and equator, creating a void at the surface that’s filled by nutrient-rich water from the deep ocean upwelling to the sunlit surface.

Combining satellite data with samples collected from the ocean enables scientists to better understand where these microscopic plants live and support different ecosystems and how physical and chemical changes affect them.

Seasonal changes are most obvious. Slower changes are also apparent, one of the largest being El Nino in the tropical Pacific, with an approximately 5 year cycle. El Nino causes reduced upwelling, with warmer water and less phytoplankton; its opposite phase is called La Nina with more phytoplankton than normal.

Since phytoplankton form the base of the food web in the ocean, they impact animals higher up the chain. A major consequence of El Nino is the loss of commercially important species from their usual location: anchovies around South America, squid off of California, salmon around the Pacific, and others.
Not only fish are impacted, but animals that depend upon them such as sea lions, seals and sea birds experience famine.

Understanding El Nino and other natural and man-made causes for fisheries collapse will guide decisions about how to help them recover.

Where do I find the datasets?
Helpful Resources for More Information
Impacts of El Niño on Fish Distribution from NOAA Fisheries
EarthNow Team
Impacts of El Niño on Fish Distribution from NOAA Fisheries
Category: Oceans
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