NOAA’s newest geostationary satellite, GOES-16 carries breakthrough technology, including the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) that measures 16 channels of the electromagnetic spectrum! To put this in perspective, current operational GOES measures 5 channels, or 5 spectral bands, of the electromagnetic spectrum.
This short movie for SOS, available for preview on YouTube advances sequentially through each channel of preliminary, non-operational imagery acquired by GOES-16 ABI on March 7, 2017 two full times, both without audio. During the first sequence, a white arrow points to the part of the electromagnetic spectrum where ABI is collecting data. You can also see the numerical value of the channel/band in micrometers (µm), band type, primary purpose, and the band “nicknames” as assigned by the GOES-R program.
The second time through, we see the full disk image with only the band nicknames and the numerical value of the spectral band.
More information can be found at http://www.goes-r.gov/education/ABI-bands-quick-info.html
The movie for SOS can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/incoming/mp_goesr.mp4
Length:1:46 minutes
Audio: none