October 2015 Climate Digest



Each month, we will provide information regarding the previous month’s climate. October 2015 was the warmest October on record with a combined average global land and ocean temperature of 1.76°F, or 0.98°C, above the 20th century average. This marked the sixth consecutive month that the monthly global temperature record has been broken.

Highlights Dataset

Dataset: 20151121 EarthNow: October 2015 Highlights

Dataset: 20151121 EarthNow: AUDIO October 2015 Highlights


This dataset shows some of the major October weather and climate highlights from the National Climatic Data Center’s (NCDC) monthly global climate analysis, and serves as an overview of what can be discussed in the datasets that follow. Highlights are noted below.


  • Australia: Warmest October on record.
  • Africa: Warmest October on record.
  • Russia: Cooler than average temperatures.
  • South America: Cooler than normal temperatures, with several locations within Argentina experiencing record-breaking low temperatures.
  • United States: 4th warmest October on record with an average temperature of 57.4°F or 3.3° above the 20th century average. Rainfall was also above average for the contiguous United States with a series of storms, including the remnants of Hurricane Patricia, brought record rain and flooding to the Southern Plains and Lower Mississippi Valley.


Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Dataset

Dataset: 20151121 EarthNow: October 2015 SST Anomaly

Dataset: 20151121 EarthNow: AUDIO October 2015 SST Anomaly



  • The real-time sea surface temperature anomaly dataset is a great way to visualize the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
  • The global sea surface temperature for October 2015 was 1.53°F or 0.85°C, above the 20th century average. This resulted in the highest departure on record for the month of October.
  • According to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, current strong El Niño conditions are expected to peak during the Northern Hemisphere winter before weakening during spring 2016.
  • Remember blues indicate cooler than average temperatures and reds indicate warmer than average temperatures (white: average).

Snow and Ice Cover Dataset

Dataset: 20151121 EarthNow: October 2015 Snow and Ice Cover

Dataset: 20151121 EarthNow: AUDIO October 2015 Snow and Ice Cover



  • Aside from helping to illustrate seasonal changes, the real-time Snow and Ice Cover dataset is a great way to convey sea ice change through time, including discussing how the current sea ice extent compares to other noteworthy years.
  • The Arctic sea ice extent for August 2015 was 13.4% below the 1981-2010 average, making it the 6th smallest October sea ice extent since satellite records began in 1979.
  • In Antarctica, the sea ice extent was 1.2% above the 1981-2010 average, the 14th largest on record for the month of September.



Seasonal Outlooks

Be sure to check out the 3-month seasonal outlooks for November-January.

  • Global Temperature Outlook
  • Global Precipitation Outlook
  • U.S. Drought Outlook
Where do I find the datasets?
      • First, check your SOS system to make sure it’s not already in the EarthNow category.
      • In addition to the normal files, there is now a “digest” section. This section in the file structure has all of the normal files compiled into one video.
      • If not, you can download the datasets and playlist files from this FTP Site.
      • Then download and use playlist files at the top of the page (or create your own) and make sure they are in /home/sos/sosrc or /home/sosdemo/sosrc.
      • More detailed information here
Helpful Resources for More Information
EarthNow Team
NOAA National Climatic Data Center, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for October 2015, published online November 2015, retrieved on November 21, 2015 from http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/.


Category: Climate Digest


September 2015 Climate Digest



Each month, we will provide information regarding the previous month’s climate. September 2015 was the warmest September on record with the combined average global land and ocean temperature 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0.90 degrees Celsius, above the 20th century average.

Highlights Dataset

Dataset: 20151021 EarthNow: September 2015 Highlights

Dataset: 20151021 EarthNow: AUDIO September 2015 Highlights


This dataset shows some of the major September weather and climate highlights from the National Climatic Data Center’s (NCDC) monthly global climate analysis, and serves as an overview of what can be discussed in the datasets that follow. Highlights are noted below.


  • Australia: Third driest September on record.
  • Eastern Asia: Above average precipitation. In some locations receiving nearly twice the monthly average.
  • Norway: Sixth warmest September.
  • Spain: Coldest September since 1996.
  • South America: Second warmest September on record.
  • United States: Extreme drought in the Northwest created the perfect scenario for fires which scorched over a million acres in August alone.


Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Dataset

Dataset: 20151021 EarthNow: September 2015 SST Anomaly

Dataset: 20151021 EarthNow: AUDIO September 2015 SST Anomaly



  • The real-time sea surface temperature anomaly dataset is a great way to visualize the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
  • The global sea surface temperature for September 2015 was the highest on record for the month at 1.46° Fahrenheit (0.81° C) above the 20th century average.
  • According to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, El Niño conditions will peak during the late fall/early winter with a 95 percent chance of continuing through the Northern Hemisphere winter. This year’s strong El Niño is expected to influence weather and climate patterns this winter by impacting the position of the jet stream.
  • Remember blues indicate cooler than average temperatures and reds indicate warmer than average temperatures (white: average).

Snow and Ice Cover Dataset

Dataset: 20151021 EarthNow: September 2015 Snow and Ice Cover

Dataset: 20151021 EarthNow: AUDIO September 2015 Snow and Ice Cover



  • Aside from helping to illustrate seasonal changes, the real-time Snow and Ice Cover dataset is a great way to convey sea ice change through time, including discussing how the current sea ice extent compares to other noteworthy years.
  • The Arctic sea ice extent for August 2015 was 28.9% below the 1981-2010 average, making it the 4th smallest September sea ice extent since satellite records began in 1979.
  • In Antarctica, the sea ice extent was 0.5% below the 1981-2010 average, the 16th smallest on record for the month of September.



Seasonal Outlooks

Be sure to check out the 3-month seasonal outlooks for November-January.

  • Global Temperature Outlook
  • Global Precipitation Outlook
  • U.S. Drought Outlook
Where do I find the datasets?
      • First, check your SOS system to make sure it’s not already in the EarthNow category.
      • In addition to the normal files, there is now a “digest” section. This section in the file structure has all of the normal files compiled into one video.
      • If not, you can download the datasets and playlist files from this FTP Site.
      • Then download and use playlist files at the top of the page (or create your own) and make sure they are in /home/sos/sosrc or /home/sosdemo/sosrc.
      • More detailed information here
Helpful Resources for More Information
EarthNow Team
NOAA National Climatic Data Center, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for September 2015, published online October 2015, retrieved on October 21, 2014 from http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/.


Category: Climate Digest


August 2015 Climate Digest



Each month, we will provide information regarding the previous month’s climate. August 2015 was the warmest August on record, with the combined average global land and ocean temperature at 1.58 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0.88 degrees Celsius, above the 20th century average.

Highlights Dataset

Dataset: 20150921 EarthNow: August 2015 Highlights

Dataset: 20150921 EarthNow: AUDIO August 2015 Highlights


This dataset shows some of the major August weather and climate highlights from the National Climatic Data Center’s (NCDC) monthly global climate analysis, and serves as an overview of what can be discussed in the datasets that follow. Highlights are noted below.


  • Asia: Temperatures in Mongolia rose to 5° Fahrenheit or (3° C) above normal. Cooler conditions occurred over Western Russia where temperatures fell to 3.5° Fahrenheit (2° C) below normal.
  • Europe: Extreme warm temperatures occurred over portions of North Central Europe. Germany was 5° Fahrenheit (2.8° C) above the average.
  • Africa: Monthly averaged temperature for August 2015 was 2.5° Fahrenheit (1.4° C), above the average.
  • South America: Above normal temperatures during August with some locations experiencing daily highs of 104° Fahrenheit (40° C).
  • United States: Extreme drought in the Northwest created the perfect scenario for fires which scorched over a million acres in August alone.
  • East Pacific Basin: Hurricanes Kilo, Ignacio, and Jimena formed simultaneously. This is the first time on record when three major hurricanes formed in the basin since records began in 1949.

Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Dataset

Dataset: 20150921 EarthNow: August 2015 SST Anomaly

Dataset: 20150921 EarthNow: AUDIO August 2015 SST Anomaly



  • The real-time sea surface temperature anomaly dataset is a great way to visualize the El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
  • The global sea surface temperature for August 2015 was the highest on record at 1.4° Fahrenheit (0.78° C) above the 20th century average.
  • According to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, strong El Niño conditions were present during July 2015. There is a greater than 90 percent chance that El Niño will continue into the Northern Hemisphere 2015/2016 winter.
  • Remember blues indicate cooler than average temperatures and reds indicate warmer than average temperatures (white: average).

Snow and Ice Cover Dataset

Dataset: 20150921 EarthNow: August 2015 Snow and Ice Cover

Dataset: 20150921 EarthNow: AUDIO August 2015 Snow and Ice Cover



  • Aside from helping to illustrate seasonal changes, the real-time Snow and Ice Cover dataset is a great way to convey sea ice change through time, including discussing how the current sea ice extent compares to other noteworthy years.
  • The Arctic sea ice extent for August 2015 was 22.3% below the 1981-2010 average, making it the 4th smallest August sea ice extent since satellite records began in 1979.
  • In Antarctica, the sea ice extent was 0.5% below the 1981-2010 average, the 9th smallest on record for the month of August.



Seasonal Outlooks

Be sure to check out the 3-month seasonal outlooks for October-December.

  • Global Temperature Outlook
  • Global Precipitation Outlook
  • U.S. Drought Outlook
Where do I find the datasets?
      • First, check your SOS system to make sure it’s not already in the EarthNow category.
      • In addition to the normal files, there is now a “digest” section. This section in the file structure has all of the normal files compiled into one video.
      • If not, you can download the datasets and playlist files from this FTP Site.
      • Then download and use playlist files at the top of the page (or create your own) and make sure they are in /home/sos/sosrc or /home/sosdemo/sosrc.
      • More detailed information here
Helpful Resources for More Information
EarthNow Team
NOAA National Climatic Data Center, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for August 2015, published online September 2015, retrieved on September 21, 2015 from http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/.


Category: Climate Digest