Winter 2016-2017 Climate Digest


The December 2016 through February 2017 seasonal global temperature was 1.6 °Fahrenheit, or 0.89°Celsius above the 20th century average of 53.8°Fahrenheit – the second highest ever recorded – just slightly behind 2015/2016.

The United States had its’ sixth warmest and eighth wettest winter on record.

The December through February average sea surface temperature was also the second warmest ever recorded.

One of the top weather stories was drought “disappearing act” of the drought footprint across the United States, due largely to repeated atmospheric rivers directed at the west coast, and also, streaming north from the Gulf of Mexico over the southeast U.S.


The quarterly climate digest, produced seasonally, consists of a short movie (3:02 minutes) made for SOS and an MP4 video accessible through YouTube.

You can download the SOS content from this FTP Site.

Content includes:

  • Global 3-month land temperatures
  • 3-month Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies
  • 3-month Total Precipitable Water (TPW)
Helpful Resources for More Information
EarthNow Team
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Climate Global Analysis and National Overview available at


Category: Atmosphere, Climate, Climate Digest, Uncategorized

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Introducing the 16 Spectral Bands on GOES-16 ABI


NOAA’s newest geostationary satellite, GOES-16 carries breakthrough technology, including the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) that measures 16 channels of the electromagnetic spectrum! To put this in perspective, current operational GOES measures 5 channels, or 5 spectral bands, of the electromagnetic spectrum.

This short movie for SOS, available for preview on YouTube advances sequentially through each channel of preliminary, non-operational imagery acquired by GOES-16 ABI on March 7, 2017  two full times, both without audio. During the first sequence, a white arrow points to the part of the electromagnetic spectrum where ABI is collecting data. You can also see the numerical value of the channel/band in micrometers (µm), band type, primary purpose, and the band “nicknames” as assigned by the GOES-R program.

The second time through, we see the full disk image with only the band nicknames and the numerical value of the spectral band.

More information can be found at

The movie for SOS can be downloaded from

Length:1:46 minutes
Audio: none

Credit: Rick Kohrs & Clayton Suplinski
Category: Atmosphere, Climate, Technology

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Autumn 2016 Climate Digest


The September through November 2016 seasonal global land and ocean surface temperature was 1.39 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th century average of 57.1 degrees – the second highest temperature departure from average for these months in the 1880 to 2016 record.

Across the world’s oceans, the September through November average sea surface temperature was 1.26 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20th century average, also the second highest on record.

The contiguous U.S. had it’s warmest autumn on record and the drought footprint expanded from 19.5 percent on August 30 to 31.5 percent on November 29.


The quarterly climate digest, produced seasonally, consists of a short movie (3:42 minutes) made for SOS and an MP4 video accessible through YouTube.

You can download the SOS content from this FTP Site.

Content includes:

  • Global 3-month land temperatures
  • 3-month Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies
  • Information and imagery of Hurricane Hermine, Matthew & Otto
  • Contiguous U.S. Temperature and Precipitation Graphics
  • Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks for Winter 2016-17
Helpful Resources for More Information
EarthNow Team
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Climate Global Analysis and National Overview available at


Category: Climate, Climate Digest