Category Archives: Oceans

Weather Satellites – past, present and future

Overview This narrated movie chronicles the history of weather satellites from the launch of the Sputnik spacecraft to NOAA’s most recent GOES-R series of weather satellites. Click on the image to watch the YouTube preview. Along with providing a short … Continue reading

Category: Atmosphere, Climate, Feature story, Hydrology, Oceans, Severe Weather


Effects of El Niño and La Niña on Phytoplankton and Fish

For the past 15 years, satellites that measure the color of the ocean have given us a view of sea surface phytoplankton which form the base of the food web and half of all the oxygen we breathe. These satellite data are being used to understand fish distributions and why some fisheries suddenly collapse. Read on for more information about the relationships between climate cycles like El Niño and their effects on phytoplankton and fish distributions. Continue reading

Category: Oceans
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New Sea Surface Temperature Dataset!

As Dan Pisut mentioned a little while ago, the real-time Sea Surface Temperature (SST) dataset for Science On a Sphere has been tweaked a bit, having a new color scale and higher definition, both providing for more detail. Well, now that the new real-time SST visualization has some more detail, we thought it would be good to go into a little detail about what you are seeing via EarthNow. Continue reading

Category: Oceans
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